
Understanding Healing: Is sickness part of God's original design?


It's so important that we understand what the Bible says. We need for the revelation truth from the Bible to be our foundation of faith. That is taking line upon line, precept upon precept and laying a foundation of faith for the people of God.

When I grew up in a spirit filled, Pentecostal church, healing was written in our doctrine book. In other words if you were to read our doctrine it said very specifically that healing is provided for all in what they call the atonement. All of my life we went to church: Sunday morning, Sunday school, Sunday night, Wednesday night, revival and camp meetings. BUT I never heard one single sermon dedicated to teaching on the truths of divine healing from the Bible.

You have to have a foundation from which you act in faith. Without that foundation you don't have confidence to act. Once the foundation is laid then you have great confidence to act on God's Word. When you act on the Word of God then the power of the Holy Spirit will manifest in your life and you will be healed. So, it is important that we have a great foundation for healing from the Bible.

what is God’s original intention?

To lay a strong foundation, we of course, begin with Genesis. In the book of Genesis chapter 1, chapter 2 and part of chapter 3, we see God's original intention.

We know God has never changed (Malachi 3:6). Therefore, when we identify God's original plan, God's original purpose, God's original intention toward man, we understand that is still his intention for us today.

Of course as you know, the Genesis chapter 1 we are given the details of creation.

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day. Genesis 1:31

So good means that all of creation, all of nature, reflected the nature of God. In creation, we do not find anything that would hurt, destroy, make sick, oppress or harass. Everything was good. Everything was peaceful. That's exactly the way God intended it to be.

Further in Genesis 1, God creates man. The Bible says, Genesis chapter 1 verse 26, God said, let us make man in our image and in our likeness.

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them,“Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground. Genesis 1:26-28

We can say it like this, God rules everything, but in the earth, God delegated authority to Adam. God gave authority to Adam. That's the way God planned it.

According to God's original design, Adam was never going to die. God said to Adam in Genesis 2:17 very specifically, don't eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for in the day you eat of it you are going to die. What does that mean? That means that Adam's got the breath of God in him and if he doesn't sin, if he doesn't eat that tree, he's never going to die.

He's going to live forever, live forever and never grow old. Live forever and never get sick. There was no disease there. There was no cancer there. There was no blindness there. There was no arthritis there. There was no sugar diabetes there. No sickness at all in that original creation.

So where does sickness come from? Well, it's obvious sickness came with sin. The moment Adam sinned, he opened the door for death, sickness and disease into the human race and into the earth.

If Adam had left that door shut, if he had just walked with God and enjoyed his fellowship with God and fulfilled his purpose, then there would have never been a single sick person in the world. God's will, God's intention would have been and continued to be fulfilled.

There was no sin there, there was no sickness there, there was no poverty there, there were no demons there. That was God's original plan. We know what happened: Adam disobeyed God.

According to Genesis chapter 3, he disobeyed God, God said, in the day you eat, you shall surely die. I want to add another thought to that: when Adam disobeyed God, he obeyed Satan. He submitted himself to Satan and Satan became his ruler. Satan brought sickness that made men sick and then died. All of humanity has suffered because of that ever since that day.

After Adam's sin, God never gave up on his plan. He did not call it quits on his original intention. Instead, He sent a Savior, His son, Jesus to the earth.

Sickness was never God's plan or God's intention.
God has never changed.

Next week, we’ll look at Jesus revealed in scripture to further understand God’s plan to redeem man back to his original design.